The LEC-1 Embedded Controller has been discontinued. As of April 23, 2021, this product has reached its End-of-Life (EoL) date. Lanmark Controls can no longer accept orders for the LEC-1 Embedded Controller.
For LEC-1 customers, Lanmark will continue to off support and a unique upgrade path to ensure a fast, non-disruptive transition
Replacement product:
Lanmark’s LEC-3.1 Ethernet-based Embedded Scan Controller.

Quick Facts
Can I still purchase
a new LEC-1 Embedded Controller?
No, we can no longer accept orders for LEC-1 Controllers.
Will you continue to
service my LEC-1 controller?
Yes, Lanmark will continue supporting existing LEC-1 products that can be
repaired. If unrepairable, the LMC-3 is available as a direct replacement
When will the new LEC-3.1
Embedded Controller be available?
The new LEC-3.1 Ethernet-based Embedded Scan Controller is available now
and will be included in all new products going forward.
What is the upgrade
path to the new LEC-3.1 Embedded Controller?
You can integrate the new LMC-3 quickly and without disruption because it is designed
to easily configure with your LEC-1 baseboard form factor!
LEC-3.1 Embedded Controller Benefits:
- 2.5X faster CPU – 1Ghz vs. 400MHz on LEC-1
- 16x more job storage with more onboard FLASH memory – 512MB vs. 32MB on the LEC-1
- Ability to execute larger job files with more onboard RAM – 512MB vs. 32MB on the LEC-1
- Greater flexibility – load jobs from a remote server using stand-alone mode or local storage
- Overall faster connection experience
- Circular Mark-On-The-Fly (MOTF) capability
- EtherNet/IP compatible
- Additional scan head protocol support (Canon, SCANLAB SL-2, Smart Move, 20bit XY-2/100)
- Power ramping capability (Coming soon!)
Click here for more information on the LMC-3 Embedded Controller.
Questions? Contact Customer Service directly at